Please ensure you have read the Leisure Club Rules, prior to using the facilities.
All members are required to scan their QR code from the Fitsense app upon entry to the Leisure Club. Entry cannot be guaranteed without your membership card. Holidaymakers may be asked to provide proof of booking.
All opening dates, times and facilities may be subject to change. The management reserves the right to revise or amend these at any time.
The Leisure Club has a strict maximum capacity of 56 people at any one time.
The Sauna and Steam Room are strictly for use by over 18s only.
There is a very limited spectator area in the Leisure Club Reception.
Only recognised swimwear may be worn in the pool, sauna and steam room. Shoes are not permitted, including pool shoes, flip flops and sliders.
All clothes and personal belongings should be put in the lockers provided and Highlands End Leisure Club is not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings.
Last entry to the Leisure Club is 30 minutes before the closing time.
Adult members may bring a guest and members are responsible for ensuring that guests abide by the rules. Guests must be accompanied by a member at the time of entry to the Leisure Club.
Persons under the influence of alcohol or narcotics will be denied admission and / or asked to leave the Leisure Club.
All Leisure Club users must shower before entering the pool, sauna or steam room. Users must shower after using the sauna or steam room before re-entering the pool.
A responsible adult (over 18 years old) must accompany children under 8 years of age and non-swimmers under 14, in the water.
Children aged 8 to 14 years who are able to swim, must be accompanied by a responsible adult (over 18 years old) in the pool environment (in swimwear), but may remain on the side of the pool if they wish. Adults may supervise children at a maximum ratio of 1 adult to every 3 children.
A parent / guardian consent form must be signed to confirm children aged 15 to 17 can swim unaided and without adult supervision. Otherwise they must be accompanied by a parent / guardian in the pool environment (in swimwear), but may remain on the side of the pool if they wish.
Diving, jumping and running are not allowed at any times due to shallow water depths.
Emergency procedures must be observed. Users must leave the Leisure Club immediately upon the signal or request of the Pool Attendant.
The Pool Attendant will stop any activities or behaviour which are considered to be dangerous to the individuals involved, or other swimmers, and this may result in the termination of your membership or being asked to leave the Leisure Club.
Shampoo, soap, fragrance oils or body lotions are not permitted in the pool hall, sauna or steam room.
The addition of water or oils to the sauna coals is not permitted.
No glass or breakable containers are permitted anywhere in the Leisure Club.
Only food or drink purchased on the premises may be consumed on the premises, with the exclusion of water bottles. No food is allowed in the pool hall, sauna or steam room.
No photography is permitted in the Leisure Club.
No mobile phones can be taken into the pool hall.
No buggies, car seats or similar infant carriers can be taken into the pool hall.
The operation and management of Highlands End Leisure Club is guided by the West Dorset Leisure Holiday’s Swimming Pool Policy.
The Management reserves the right to ask individuals to leave the Leisure Club and / or terminate membership, with or without refund of fees. Your co-operation and assistance in following the above is appreciated to ensure good standards are maintained for the benefit of all swimmers.